
Claiming goods is simple and we will try to handle it before the law dictates

If you have discovered any defects in the product, please let us know. We will refund or exchange the product within 30 days. It won't be without asking because we care why you weren't satisfied, but we will always respect your decision.

Complaint procedure:

  1. Please fill out the online form below.
  2. Pack the product in its original packaging and take it to the nearest branch of the Post Office. You can find the nearest branch HERE .
  3. In order to be able to send the parcel for free, report the special code 96568912 to the Post Office. We will send it to you by email.
  4. We will evaluate and deal with the complaint within the next 30 days at most, but sooner rather than later, and let you know.

Detailed information on complaints can be found in our Complaints Regulations.

Thank you!